Monday, October 24, 2005

Hi folks

Hi, long time no see. I seem to be saying that a lot recently. Need to either:

a) Improve my commitment to my blog.
b) Get over the fact that I don't update it every day.

So what's been going on since last week?

Well we finished the West Wing. Darned good it was too. We did kind of OD though. Was having strange West Wing style dreams. Normal situations, people I know, but all paced and acted out in a West Wing fashion. Most bizarre.

We got the cats back. They haven't changed a bit. Still as endearingly affectionate as before. They have kept us awake a bit (we've been crammed in one room a lot of the time as only the bedroom - which I'm sure you're familiar with by now - is even close to finished).

Deliberately didn't post anything on Friday night as I was feeling a little down about work. Won't go into it in much detail except to say it was a poorly handled pay negotiation that left me feeling pretty under valued and pissed off. Had another talk with my boss today and at least had a chance to vent my spleen. Don't think it'll change anything, but it at least left me feeling like I'd had my say.

So tata for now. I won't commit to being back tomorrow, but I will at least express an intent to get back to updating this in a more regular fashion.

Before I go though, don't worry, Zinnia - I'm quite prepared for others to admire w2b ;) If I think she's the most incredible person in the world, it stands to reason that others may think she's a little more than ok too. You can look, but don't touch - ok?

1 comment:

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Deal! ;-)

I'd go for (b) if I were you.

Bummer about the pay negotation. Hope it evens out in the long run.

Good news about the cats though!


My ugly mug and my beautiful family Geek Stuff