Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gonna have to get her pregnant

W2b is menstrual again.

I'm sure it used to be pre-menstrual. Probably still is with most women. But not with her. Not only does she get pre-menstrual, but also mid- and post-menstrual.

Admittedly, bullshitting, wank-stain electricians who don't even follow through on the things that they've promised to get done over a month behind schedule don't help. Hell, they make me feel menstrual. But still, surely her own personal painters shouldn't take more than a week to finish their disruption.

So there's nothing else for it. I'm gonna have to misplace the contraception and get her up the duff. Her complaints about morning sickness, swellings here there and everywhere and the worry about what kind of weird cross breed we'll get from the meeting of English and South African genes can't be any worse than this... can it?

Before I go I've got to say thanks to Zinnia for popping by. Not sure I fully understand your blog yet, but w2b assures me that it'll all become clear if I start reading through from the beginning. But how will I manage to fit in the mandatory XBox time if I'm doing that? Didn't think of that did you, eh?

Thanks also to FL Voter. Your site is marvelously full of venom - a trait you've got to admire. I would have left a message, but your site seemed to be a bit elusive last night. I'll be sure to pop round again soon.

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