Thursday, April 29, 2010

Labour are a spent force. Looks like voting #LibDem is the only way to reign Cameron in #leadersdebate
Usual Tory scaremongering on immigration #leadersdebate
Clegg's walking it at the moment. #leadersdebate
Feisty tonight. Liking it #leadersdebate
What's with shady Dave's teenage tache? Going for the spiv vote? #leadersdebate

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Even after being called a bigot, Gillian Duffy would rather not vote than vote for shady Dave.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

So proud. Nath just shouted from the other room that there's a good song on the radio. Walk in and he's dancing to Biffy Clyro. A rocker at 3!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eugh. Saw Boulton's fat ass at the end there #leadersdebate
Stronger Brown. Cameron went all Daily Mail. Clegg was similar to last week but should have been bolder #leadersdebate
I've seem this bit before #leadersdebate
Is Boulton blocking out Clegg in favour of the other two? #leadersdebate
And now Cameron's saying "get real". It's painful. #leadersdebate
Thought Gordon was doing well until he said "get real". No way, dude #leadersdebate
Cameron has purple tie. Nod to UKIP?
Let's have a big debate! C'mon Dave, show us what a twat you really are.
Let's have a big debate! C'mon Dave, show us what a tw

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

See Cameron got hit by an egg. Hope it wasn't on one of his faces.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cr@ppy weekend. Cr@ppy start to the week. Just heal already, goddamn it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

@stephenfry saying "milk gone off big-time sylie" makes me really happy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Would really, really, really like a proper night's sleep.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Wow! Malcolm Mclaren has died.
I've just written an email to my MP to say goodbye: #DEBill

A letter to my MP (David Hanson, Labour)

Hi David,

It is with a great deal of regret that I have to say that you have lost my vote and it is now going to the Lib Dems.

Granted, there have always been some matters of policy that we've disagreed on (Trident, detention without charge, anti-terror laws, parliamentary reform) but you've always been responsive in handling my questions.

But I'm afraid last night was just the final straw. Not only did your part fail to act in getting libel reform on the agenda but you yourself were true to the Labour mantra of "Bad legislation is better than no legislation at all" on the Digital Economy Bill. It is sadly representative of what your party has become.

I'm not a file-sharer. I work in the IT industry and believe that to agree with getting the results of someone's creative endeavour for free would be hypocritical. I like my TV and Movies a lot, but I believe that I should buy them and/or subscribe to them in order to ensure that they continue to be made. I don't think that piracy is theft, but I also don't believe in getting something for nothing.

I don't believe that broadband access is a human right, but I do think that it has become an essential part of living in the modern world. People without access to broadband are in a very real sense second class citizens.

But you must know that this Bill was seriously flawed. It has been pointed out to you and your fellow MPs on numerous occasions. Among other things - and in an echo of the aforementioned libel laws - it shifts the assumption of innocence to an assumption of guilt. It is an illiberal bill, a naive bill and one that panders far too much to the creative industry rather than creators themselves or indeed consumers. A creative industry that will fight tooth and nail to preserve it's outdated business model rather than adapting. The least that this Bill needed was a full debate.

So, after having being a Labour voter and supporter for all of my life this is a sad goodbye.

It's not me, it's you... and your party.

Chris Waller
Home again. Yay! Now where are my pain killers.
Gah! Usual hospital inducted insomnia. Thank gods for podcasts.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Mmmm codeine.
Hi all. Thanks for the good wishes. Surgery seems to have gone well. Am now eating soup and sandwiches and watching sat tv. Ah health insurance.
No eating now until after my surgery. Ace!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Close your eyes and Michael Gove is actually Graham Norton.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Seriously addicted to united states of Tara. Absolutely fantastic. Funny and tragic at the same time.
This is one of my inventions... don't worry, it's for me.
Pretty impressed with Matt Smith so far. No David Tennent yet, but fun so far.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


My ugly mug and my beautiful family Geek Stuff